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Articles avec le tag ‘English +’

La troisième année d’English + s’achève!

Dear Parents, Grandparents and Friends,

The end of the school year and the delights of summer may be quickly approaching, but the students of the Ecole Sainte Elisabeth are still hard at work on their English!

As I hope you’ve noticed, we’ve learned quite a lot together since September: from talking about animals, feelings, and school supplies to learning about how to get around in New York and make purchases in English, the students have certainly progressed. And along the way, neither grammar nor spelling has been neglected: the students have learned to recognize the various parts of speech in English as well as to conjugate the verb to be in the present, past and future tenses. Reading has been introduced with simple but enjoyable texts within the students’ reach; speaking and listening have been emphasized both in one-on-one and group situations.

In the pictures you’ll see here, students in CM1 and CM2 are playing bingo with large numbers as part of an end-of-the-year review lesson.

My year as a teaching assistant in France  has been a privileged learning experience – one that I’m thankful for. I’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know and appreciate each student, and I think I can say it’s been an enriching experience for all of us!

I wish you all an excellent and educational summer,

Miss Kelly